Here's the story: Less than a year ago I had to replace my interav alternator. Now I began getting an intermittent discharge light. My mechanic removed the two-piece voltage regulator and over voltage relay system with the integrated Plane Power regulator/over voltage system (and I'm told taking care to retire the system correctly) Now, however, instead of a discharge light I'm getting an intermittent over voltage light. At the same time, there is a high-pitched whine over the radios, the panel lights dim and brighten, and the electric engine gauges jump wildly. My mechanic consulted the folks at Plane Power, who surmised there was some sort of resistance in the system causing it to malfunction. Accordingly, my mechanic replaced the master switch. No help. If, as I suspect, the voltage at the alternator equals that at the electrical bus, my mechanic has run out ideas.
Has anyone else had a similar experience mixing and matching alternator and regulator/over voltage relays?
Disparate in Boston