Hello All,
First I want to introduce myself. My name is Mike and my family is located in Wisconsin. I'm new to ownership as of two weeks ago. I bough a PA-30 and have already put 10 hours on her. I've battled with the concept of ownership vs. rental for a long time. For many reasons I took the leap.
I have a question that I'm looking for ideas or advice. I have two tach's that are walking away from each other. They were even at the time of overhaul about 400 hours ago but the RH tach now reads 190 hours more than the other. I'm considering installing a Hobbs meter and working off that for times going forward instead of the tach's. As time goes by the tach's will diverge much further obviously. Will this affect my residual value if I take this route or am I better off replacing the tach's and zeroing them out. I suspect these use a magnetic pick up's and I might run into the same issue. Is there a tach out there that has a digital hour meter built in.
I'm looking for the most cost effective solution while retaining value.
The corporate aircraft that I manage don't have hobbs meter or a tach. Our times and cycles are generated strictly for a flight log that our pilots record off and on times. If I create a flight log and record out/off/on/in times and made them apart of the permanent records would that be seen as a negative for resale. This could be a simple and zero cost solution.