Best place to ground when refueling...

Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby Charles Schefer » Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:31 pm

I am not sure if this is a subject that really belongs in the maintenance forum or if I should have put it in the other forum but I'll start here. As the subject asks I am curious to ask what most people think is the best grounding point on the Comanche aircraft when refueling. In my case I have a Twin but some points will be common to singles.

In the past I've always grounded to a bolt or area of the nose gear trunnion that was bare metal. However I've just refinished my gear and really don't want to use those places anymore. I don't want to use the heater exhaust as I fear it will crack over time. I've been thinking maybe I will use a bolt head way up in the gear well or perhaps the wing tie down which does have a spot of bare metal due to use with tie-down ropes.

Any suggestions or recommendations?


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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby 9089P » Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:53 am

When I took flight instruction I was taught to use the exhaust pipe and I did that through 2 aircraft no problem. Then one day as I was refueling the Comanche a guy walked up, identified himself as with the FAA, and told me that my practice was a bad idea as it would damage the the pipe. He recommended the tie down ring and I have used it ever since.

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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby Steve Marcozzi » Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:45 am

I clamp it on a nut on the steering damper. When I feel like it gets too marked up, I replace it. Easy place to get to and keeps from putting scratches on the exhaust pipe, or any surface that should be painted which my tie down rings are.

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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby Don Ostergard » Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:16 am

The idea behind grounding is to have absolute assurance of electrical conductivity through to the airframe in the area surrounding the fuel fillers. No part of a retractable gear is guaranteed to have perfect conductivity through to the main airframe because the electricity (static or otherwise) needs to go through at least one bushing/bearing which is (hopefully) coated with grease which itself is an insulator. I would strongly suggest "don't bother". An exhaust stack will USUALLY (but not always) give one an assurance of conductivity. And remember it is the airframe - not the engine - that one is counting on being grounded. It can be a long path through several components from the stack to the airframe. Using the tiedown ring gives one that assurance. I painted my plane a year ago and, yes, I cringed the first time a lineman put a chain through my tiedown rings but then I remembered that's what they are for. So, once again, I attach the ground clamp to a tiedown ring secure in the knowledge that I've probably got the best possible ground.
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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby N3322G » Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:34 am

I also use tie down. I'm goosey about anybody touching the exhaust stacks - except on pre-flight. Actually I don't let anybody fuel except me or Ken, same for towing - at out of town airports, I walk with the tow vehicle.

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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby Charles Schefer » Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:08 pm

Thanks for all these posts. Right now I think I'm going to start using the tie-down ring for all the reasons stated in the other posts. Currently my tie-down rings have paint missing due to use so I see no reason to not use that point (for now) and I do agree with the comment that ground connectivity is the #1 concern. Like Pat I do not leave the plane while it's being fueled. I either fuel it myself or insist on being involved and supervise what is done. I always make sure that I am the one who opens the fuel door and removes the fuel cap. It burns me when some line people will rest a cap straight on a wing - I just don't allow that and I don't hesitate to say something if things are not being done properly. Happily we have very good line folks here at HEF and I know them all well. Nevertheless the plane is NEVER fueled without my watching the process or doing it myself. I am used to this because we require it for our charter aircraft - pilot must observe fueling.

Thanks for all the responses on this topic

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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby N3322G » Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:34 pm


I got a WalMart white towel, cut a hole for the fuel door and put that on the wing for fueling so I can set the fuel cap on it. I used blanket binding to keep the towel from unraveling around the hole. So when it gets dirty, I just toss it in the wash. It also gives me something to use to wipe up the occasional fuel spill in the fueling area.

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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby Charles Schefer » Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:32 pm

Fantastic idea Pat. The line guys here all use rubber fuel mats but they don't always work well with the hinged fuel door. I like your idea a lot better...

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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby George Kretschmann » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:47 am

I do the tie down ring..
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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby N3322G » Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:22 am

I also put a drapery weight in each forward corner to help it stay on the wing ... then because it was in the winter, i accented it with the aircraft colors. That way when I do wash - it gets back to the airplane instead of in the closet.

There is a photo of it in one of the three Comanche Care articles I wrote.

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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby jeffrey aryan » Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:35 am

I also use the Tie Down ring.

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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby Charles Schefer » Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:56 pm

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Re: Best place to ground when refueling...

Postby N3322G » Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:43 pm

Thanks, but I'd rather be flying.

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