by DAVEG24 » Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:28 pm
I would suggest the following before you get a new primer. Disconnect all the primer lines at the cylinder base. Have someone operate the pump. If you don't get a good flow of fuel out of all the lines, you either have plugged lines (unlikely) or a bad pump (also unlikely). Assuming you have good flow from all lines, remove the nozzle from each cylinder. They should be clear. If not clean and re-insert. If one or two lines are plugged, try running some safety wire down the line. That should dislodge any blockage. It's very unlikely that the pump itself is bad. They are really simple. I'm betting on plugged injector ports if you have good flow from the lines. Handle the primer lines carefully. There is a small compression gland that seals the line into the port. Lines often break at that point, which requires replacement of the gland. They are hard to find. Not your usual plumbing store stuff. Good luck.
Dave Gitelman