I have some time in a turbo-normalized 400 with the Robertson kit. While I do not have any time in a regular 400, based upon my Killough operating manual, the 400 with the Robertson is quite a bit slower than a regular 400. Estimating as much as 10-12 knots. That is largly off-set bu its ability to get up high in the thin air with the turbos, but down low, my 260 is not much slower.
Don't know how much speed loss is contributed by the Robertson kit because the turbo mod adds "gills" to the cowl for added drag and some would argue that without the turbos spooled up, they rob the engine of HP by creating exhaust back-pressure. Don't know enough about aftermarket turbo-normalizing to comment. I can tell you that airplane tends to ride nose high, as if it wants to "plane-out" but can't, especially when heavy. Lastly, if you think a regular Comanche floats, look out with the Robertson STOL.
Not trashing the mod or the airplane. There are a lot of great benefits to the STOL but like everything else in airplanes, nothing is free and there are trade-offs. I wonder how VG's compare to the Robertson mod?
I would imagine that removing the mod would require re-skinning the leading edges of both wings.