aluminum cable, Rainx for plexiglass safe?

aluminum cable, Rainx for plexiglass safe?

Postby James Mathias » Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:27 am

Anyone have input on replacing the aluminum battery cable in a pa 24 250? Is there an easier cheaper solution? Mine is hard to start. What is safe for treating the plexiglass for shedding rain like rainx?
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Re: aluminum cable, Rainx for plexiglass safe?

Postby 9089P » Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:11 am

Hi James,

If you want a copper cable (Bogart?) you have to pull the copilot side floor boards and run the cable. I don't think putting the battery in the front is easier given that you would need to move the regulator and overvoltage relay as well. If you do pull the floor boards be sure to run a cable for the new style elt.

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Re: aluminum cable, Rainx for plexiglass safe?

Postby Kristin Winter » Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:39 pm

You don't need the Bogart kit to replace your aluminum battery cables. Piper has put out a service bulletin that provides all the necessary information. All you need to do is find a crimping tool that will handle those large terminal ends and get an A&P to sign it off.
SB 836A - Replacement of Aluminum wiring.pdf
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Re: aluminum cable, Rainx for plexiglass safe?

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:54 pm

And for the second question...yes, rainex works just fine on plexi. It uses isopropyl alcohol as the carrier agent, and it does not react or otherwise harm plexiglass (think alky W/S deice systems). Of course remember to get the field approval for its use...:-)

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Re: aluminum cable, crimping tool

Postby Don Nelson » Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:04 pm

Rerouting and shortening my already copper cable to the starter by a foot, awhile back, I was able to have my local NAPA store provide and crimp on a new terminal end.
They could have built a new cable too, tho I don't know about the spec's.

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Re: aluminum cable, Rainx for plexiglass safe?

Postby MULEFLY » Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:03 pm

RE: Rainx

I don't question Zach's superior knowledge to mine, but for what it is worth.... this month's PIPER FLYER has a column by Steve Ells... "Questions & Answers"

The article is on page 18 and I won't replicate the entire reply here but Steve was asked about using RAIN-X on an aircraft winshield... his reply includes the following:

"First, aircraft winshields for airplanes such as your Cherokee -- and almost all small Piper aircraft are fabricated from acrylic plastics. These plastics are affected by alcohols. According to the Rain-x Material Safety Data Sheet, SD alcohol 40, or ethanol is the main ingredient.

"A spokesman for LP Aero Plastics, Inc. (, a company that manufactures and markets a wide range of GA windshields and windshield care products, tells me that Rain-X will cause fogging in acrylic windows.

"Repcon is an acrylic-safe equivalent. This product was recommended by Cessna for use on its Citation jets, but (and isn't there always a "but"?) neither it nor Rain-X Marine -- which was also recommended for use on acrylics -- are available any longer.

"I have read that Simoniz paste wax works as well as Recon and lasts longer. This product is available at almost all auto parts or general merchandise stores or at

"The rain repellent product that is okay to use on aircraft acrylic windshields is called RVR Rain Repellent -- and it's available from Sporty's. ....."

So for what it is worth... another opinion.

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Re: aluminum cable, Rainx for plexiglass safe?

Postby 9089P » Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:34 pm

What I find works well is Lemon Pledge. Works well on bicycles too. Have a small pump bottle in the a/c and a large bottle for refills in the hanger. Also cleans bugs off the leading edge without taking off the wax.

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