Free Photos from EAA - to promote ICS and Comanches

Free Photos from EAA - to promote ICS and Comanches

Postby N3322G » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:30 pm

Like several other folks I was a bit chapped at the lack of EAA website coverage of the 50th Comanche mass arrival. Zach, Dave and Harley and many other folks worked so hard on this ... I took the next step and asked for copies of all the mass arrival photos. Some have already been posted at by EAA after Comanche owners asked about them. EAA is redeeming themselves.

and today I got the rest. Below is the email correspondence and then the 12 photos. If they don't all fit in this post I'll create a second one.

From: Pat Keefer []
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2008 8:47 AM
To: Convention
Subject: Reaching Phil High and Craig Vander Kolk

How do I arrange to reach these photographers so I can purchase their work?

Wishing You Blue Skies and Tailwinds,


Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer

Hi Pat,

If you are using the photos to promote your organization, we can let you have the photos at no cost. What photos are you looking for?


Jim Koepnick, EAA #222987

Chief Photographer

EAA—The Spirit of Aviation

Pat Keefer
to Jim

Hi Jim,

Gosh, that would be wonderful to have all the photos at no charge. We'd like to promote the ICS organization with the various efforts done to further support Comanche ownership and the mass arrival and our tent at OSH is one - especially this year since it celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first Comanche model.

If possible, we'd like all the mass arrival photos taken - even though I haven't seen them all.It would be great to have a shot of each model made by Piper and your photos are the best opportunity we have of attaining that goal. I actually thought about photographing the event rather than flying ... but flying was way too much fun to pass up. The photos can be sent to me electronically - email system will take up to 20meg per email and total capacity is not an issue or I can fund CD creation - whichever is easier for EAA. What started this thought are the photos on the AirVenture website - we are the first group on the mass arrival. I would especially like to see the one of a row of taxiing Comanches with the set of Twins above and to the left - very well composed but too small in the thumbnail to recognize the planes - perhaps the original will allow identification - I think that is the group of 5 Twins that arrived in sequence together. It would make a great cover shot for the ICS magazine showing the AirVenture adventures - if it worked out. Attribution would be given, of course.

If this raises any questions, I can be reached via cell phone - sort of. I am getting the plane painted and the airport is among hills and I am usually in the hangar. Both conspire to hide cell phone signals so I may have to call you back.

Below are the 12 photos courtesy of EAA with attribution by photo. Remember to double click on them to enlarge and sharpen the photo. oh, and for those I haven't met, I'm the blonde waving in one of the shots.

Pat Keefer ICS 08899
photo by Craig Vander Kolk courtesy of EAA
Comanche  Mass Arrival_CVK_0727_0004.JPG
photo by Craig Vander Kolk courtesy of EAA
Comanche  Mass Arrival_CVK_0727_0007.JPG
photo by Craig Vander Kolk courtesy of EAA
Comanche  Mass Arrival_CVK_0727_0012.JPG
photo by Craig Vander Kolk courtesy of EAA
Commanche Mass Arrival_PH_008.JPG
photo by Phil High courtesy of EAA
Last edited by N3322G on Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 2 Free EAA Photos to promote ICS

Postby N3322G » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:39 pm

More free photos

My personal favorite is Comanche Mass Arrival_PH_004.JPG

Pat Keefer ICS 08899
Commanche Mass Arrival_PH_007.JPG
photo by Phil High courtesy of EAA
Commanche Mass Arrival_PH_006.JPG
photo by Phil High courtesy of EAA
Commanche Mass Arrival_PH_005.JPG
photo by Phil High courtesy of EAA
Commanche Mass Arrival_PH_004.JPG
photo by Phil High courtesy of EAA
Commanche Mass Arrival_PH_003.JPG
photo by Phil High courtesy of EAA
Commanche Mass Arrival_PH_002.JPG
photo by Phil High courtesy of EAA
Commanche Mass Arrival_PH_001.JPG
photo by Phil High courtesy of EAA
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Postby Chuck Lee » Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:48 pm

In this month's issue of Sport Aviation, the EAA members monthly magazine, one of the main articles is "Photos and words on Airventure Oshkosh 2008". The top third of the inside page is a photo of Comanches taxing in and others on finial. No other mass arrivals are shown in the story.

During the arrival the grand stand announcer gave a nice history of the Comanche.

To be fair boys and girls it is the EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION fly-in.

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Postby N3322G » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:16 pm

Chuck, I agree it is the Experimental Aircraft Assn fly-in. However the beef was that other mass arrivals of Bonanzas and Cessnas were covered extremely well on the EAA web site and not a word on Comanches. In addition, as I was trying to help out, I asked that our tent speaker sessions be listed on the web site and was told, in writing that EAA doesn't do that - only to find that many, many other normally certificated club sessions comparable to ours were listed on the web site and printed AirVenture material.

Looking at the EAA web site, I also found that on other significant anniversaries that EAA issued press releases for other normally certificated aircraft, but not Comanches - we were simply looking for parity. I asked for Tom Poberenzy's help and he emailed that he and his editors would try to help retroactively. I haven't seen the latest EAA mag because I'm out of town getting the plane painted but I'm happy to hear we have some visibility.

Pat Keefer ICS 08899
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Pics and Video's

Postby Scott Ducey » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:40 pm

Hey, I think those are great pictures. I would like to see more. If it is of any interest, I would love to have the opportunity to put the entire event into a video for you all. It is a bit of a hobby of mine, video editing software. I can give you a lengthy DVD that captures the Comanche event at Oshkosh, and if anyone has a video footage(digital), I can add that to it too. Furthermore, if no one has objections I can put something up on YouTube for all of you to watch. I can include video and photos. Again, it is something that I enjoy alot. To give you an example of what I am talking about I have two YouTube Video's of AirVenture up. Here are the links. ... re=related

I know Zach, the music is overly dramatic. : - )

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Postby ics-12766 » Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:53 am

Scott, just a thought...

Why not put something together and... market it through ICS or CFF. You get a "cut" and the organization makes a little money. :)

Just me talking here, but... I'd pay a reasonable fee for a piece of Comanche history.
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Postby Scott Ducey » Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:50 pm

I would be more than happy to do that. And i would be fine with not having any "cut" at all. I would just need a bunch of photo's and video (both digital) to put a project together.

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Postby N3322G » Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:24 pm

Zach and company organized this - if they are for this, I'd be happy to provide all the photos I have - a bunch at OSH and a few at RYV. I'm just sensitive that they really did all the hard work and I don't want to overstep ...

I really liked your OSH trip Utube and would like to see and hear more.

Pat Keefer ICS 08899
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Postby Chuck Lee » Sat Sep 06, 2008 2:12 am


I too have a several still photos of Oshkosh and would like to add to the project.

My idea was to have site on the ICS web page that is open to the public. By showing that ICS is more than just tech talk we would have more new owners join ICS for the social life also. My problem is the last time I programed a computer was with eighty column punch cards.

Looking foreward to working with you.

As Pat said the happening would not have been but for Zach Grant.

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Pics and Vid

Postby Scott Ducey » Sat Sep 06, 2008 2:57 am

If you are interested in providing pics, please send them to

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Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:07 pm

Hey, great idea. I had hoped that we could come up with something. I spent so much time doing the work that I did not get any pics myself, so I have had to enjoy what others have sent me. I have been lucky to recieve many neat pics and videos. Based on what I have seen, Scott does nice work. I helped organize the fly in, I don't own it! Whatever ANYONE wants to do to enhance our collective enjoyment of this amazing summer activity we all paricipated in, would be welcome in my book! Like I said, all the work in the world on my behalf would have culminated with me talking to myself, flying by myself, and parking by myself if you all had not come and participated. It is as much everyones fly in as it was mine. At this point, I am trying to do other projects so please, do whatever it is you want to do and I will enjoy the results.

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