No problem David, I didn't take them negatively. There were two presentations - Kristins, which outlined the plan, and mine, which outlined the numbers. Kristin did not post hers. Suggest you contact her for the presentation. Before going into the meeting, we already sensed that there would be concern about our proposed plan. Therefore, we outlined a variety of options to the Board, as this was their marching orders - to outline a plan on how type support could be financed. We demonstrated this - after the Board meeting, the goal would have been to refine the plan further. So your questions are valid ones, but it made no sense to us to start building multiple cost models (as this would take a lot of work) before getting some sense from the board which direction they wanted to move. I do not want to start speaking for other people that were there, but there seems to be a considerable opinion against the following: (1) raising dues, or (2) reducing expenses. Under this scenario there really is nothing to explore going forward. My sense was the Board feels there are a significant number of members that 'want a magazine' - specifically a well produced magazine, on a monthly basis, which in the end costs a lot. We proposed eliminating the mag, reducing the freqency of the mag, lowering the cost of the mag. Response to all these options was "NO". I also outlined scenarios that illustrated the impact to our numbers IF there was an exodus of ICS members. The answer still was "NO". The Board also feels our dues are high compared to other type clubs, and shot down a $2 increase in dues even though it was recommended by the treasurer.
I can assure you that both Kristin and I came to the meeting with a variety of proposals, and were willing to listen to other options, and to negotiate. We were also willing to spend a considerable amount of time moving a plan forward for the benefit for all the ICS members and Comanche owners. However, given the complete rebuff we received, there really is no purpose to dedicating additional personal time to something which seems quite futile.
For the record, there was no alternative plan provided by members of the Board. The current plan is to continue spending 60 cents of every dollar of members dues on the magazine, continue to hope that people like Hans, Zach, Kristin and others volunteer for the rest of the group, and to basically not change anything even though revenues are down, expenses are up, and some kind of change WILL BE required to address the aforementioned trend.
David, I know you probably feel we should continue to step up to the plate and take a swing. But if you were there, you would know why we have come to this decision.
While I was disappointed in their decision, I was happy that we were given the opportunity to speak. If you feel you can put something together that makes sense, I would strongly encourage you to do so. While I do not speak for Kristin, I can tell you for myself, I am done trying.
Again, if you would like to talk in more detail about alll of this, feel free to call my cell, which I will email to you privately.
Thank you for the response and the 'thank you'.
Best Regards,