by N3322G » Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:17 pm
Hi Steve,
The Maurice Taylor DVDs from CFF go over this, I believe and here's the process I/we use.
Before first flight
Both selectors on main
Lift aft or right red button and sump main
While holding red button up, change to right aux and sump
While still holding red button up, change to right crossfeed and finish sumping
Return right fuel selector to main
Then lift forward red button and sump left main
While holding red button up, switch to left aux and sump
While holding red button up, switch to left crossfeed and finish sumping
return left selector to main
At the end of the day
I sump right and left mains and auxes but pass the crossfeed.
Of course, tips and other tanks are extra effort but I only sump when I have fuel in them.
The maintenance shops have told me the Twin has really clean screens whenever we have the 50 hour AD done since I've been sumping this way. May be different since the selectors have been overhauled and two of four bladders died as a result of being left empty and untreated while the belly was being repaired.
Hope this helps and if others have different processes, I'd be interested.
I forgot to mention that if we see contaminants in the fuel, then we drain the tanks one at a time and check the results after each drain to know where the junk is coming from.
Last edited by
N3322G on Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
PA-39 #10 Texas