Piper Aircraft and the Type Certificate

Piper Aircraft and the Type Certificate

Postby Dale Vandever » Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:19 am

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Postby Kristin Winter » Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:25 am


I wish I could figure out a way to make it happen, but without an organization and without significant financial resources, I don't see how to make it work. I don't think Webco is the answer either, as I don't think that they have the sophistication to make it work or the financial resources. Maybe some outfit like Des Moines Flying Service which is Piper's oldest dealer, but a lot of those shops are getting away from working on older aircraft.

If I thought we could raise half a Mil, we could probably make the organization happen. Piper might let the certificate go at a good price, or perhaps even cheap, but they aren't going to let it go to an organization that looks shaky. That is the way it looks to me, at any rate.
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Type Certificate

Postby Dale Vandever » Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:13 pm


I suspect that you are correct. However, it is very encouraging to see a manufacturer, as large as Bell, take the path of action that our Comanches so desperately need.

In today's economy I can't imagine anyone considering putting the Comanche back in production.

A week ago, I doubt that you could find anyone that would believe that Bell would take this action.

Hope springs eternal.

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Postby Jay » Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:08 pm

I doubt that there would be an issue getting Piper to sell, that is simply a matter of coming up with enough money. The issue would be an organization with the cash to both pay Piper's price and then provide the needed support. I'll buy a lottery ticket today.

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Postby Kristin Winter » Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:15 pm


There are likely good reasons for Bell to pass off the Model 47. I doubt it was making much, if any money off of it, yet may not have wanted to leave its customers in the lurch by just dropping all support.

There are costs associated with owning a type certificate if you are going to do anything with it other than wallpaper the hangar. Someone has to respond to the FAA. The NTSB will seek input in accident investigations. It is an effort just to make the information available to others, as you are talking about a stack of paper many feet high.

I suspect that the costs of maintaining the type certificate would exceed the cost of obtaining the type certificate. I would think somewhere into the $500K to $1M is start up capital would be necessary. It would be a fascinating project. If someone hits the jackpot or we get enough donations into escrow, I would consider putting the whole thing together.
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Postby Jay » Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:40 pm

I'll buy two lottery tickets then, Kristin!

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Postby JMH23 » Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:41 pm

Does anyone know what Scott Helicopter paid Bell for the Type cetificates?

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Type Certificate

Postby David Pyle » Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:08 pm

I believe Kristin. It's the price, continuing maintenance, and back up organization. Probably far more than can be managed.

I also like Dale's "A" team idea. If anyone can direct me to those resources I volunteer to help find endowment. I don't know where to start. How about a Comanche person making a will bequest? How about changing the legal status of CFF to be the TC holder? Not to produce new Comanches, but to protect them.

Before more speculation shouldn't we find out how Piper feels about selling, their conditions of sale, and how much they might want?
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