Last Six weeks in my new Comanche Turbo 250

Last Six weeks in my new Comanche Turbo 250

Postby Tony Scarpelli » Thu May 08, 2008 6:18 pm


Since past posts are gone I will give a little back ground.

I bought my Comanche in Late March and upon one of my first flights the landing gear failed to come down when commanded. I pulled the emergency release handle and it too failed. I flew around, declared an emergency and tryed to call some folks who can give me ideas but that was unsuccessful as well.

I did finally manage to wiggle the trannie until it fell. I later had Webco look at the gear. They found that the trannie was too far out of adjustment to be used and was too tightly adjusted which caused too much friction to fall when needed.

A repaired transmission and two new landing gear conduits and no more problems.

The plane was 20 days out of annual by Air Center in Salt Lake City with a $13k annual so it is hard to see why this happened other than they do not know Comanches very well.

I thank John and Bob for getting me back in the air in quick order.

In the last six weeks I have managed to fly about 60 hours from Florida, California and Chicago. It has been a great time to get to know my air craft.
Tony Scarpelli
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Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Fri May 09, 2008 2:08 am

Glad to hear you have been well since your first "experience" with your new bird. If you ever get to Indianapolis, look me up. I would be interested in looking at your bird and can suggest some good places for a bite too.
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Postby Jay » Fri May 09, 2008 11:41 pm

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Postby Jay » Fri May 09, 2008 11:43 pm

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Postby Tony Scarpelli » Mon May 19, 2008 6:30 pm

I am planning on going there. I think my friend Av Shiloh is going as well. So we can all meet up.

heck I might even bring a air mattress and sleeping bag this year.

Looking forward to meeting you all.

Av and I are flying both of our Comanches to Key West and then on to Grand Cayman Islands June 5-10. Will give you an update when we return.
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installing Nav 53

Postby Tony Scarpelli » Mon May 19, 2008 6:33 pm

Jay, thanks for the equipment. I am finally getting the nav installed. Getting anything done in aviation seems to take epoch of time.

But I have only owned the plane for going on 4 months. I needed to file IR out of Key West for the Cayman trip so I hope its ready by June 1st.

I will do the 430W upgrade at a later date but in the mean time I can get some IR training, get the plane certified, and take an IR pilot with me to Caymans this time but by next year I will have my IR>
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